• membership site
    On Improving

    You Joined a Membership Site, Now What?

    It’s one thing to listen and learn from your favorite author/speaker/podcaster; it’s quite another to join a membership site and make the decisions to actively implementing what is being suggested. Back in November 2016, I joined The Rocking Productivity Academy (RPA), created by podcaster Jeff Sanders. I was very excited and so ready to meet like-minded folks. After 10 months, here’s what I’ve learned so far about getting the most out of a member site. RPA is open this week if you’re looking at joining a productivity site, but the suggestions below can certainly be applied to other membership sites like this one.

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  • On Improving

    How to commit to reading a book 30 mins everyday

    How many times have you promised yourself during the first week of any given month, “OK, this month I will start and finish a book?” *Raises hand* Guilty. I would borrow the book from the library and let it collect dust. Or I would buy the book, dive into it that Saturday, only to leave the book somewhere on my bed and then find it 6 months later under the bed. It wasn’t until I got around a great group of folks that were also actively reading that my discipline grew. Not only did I grow more in knowledge but it helped me start a good habit and encouraged me…

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  • At Work

    7 ways to use sticky notes productively at work

    As I was wrapping up the first quarter at my work, I couldn’t help but notice how overwhelmed I was feeling the last few days. Well, once I looked down between my monitor and keyboard it was clear why. A puddle of colorful sticky notes, going in different directions had developed. Constant interruptions, little tasks here and there I thought I could do “quickly later” had piled up. Luckily, after taking a step back, not only did I implement new simple techniques, but was able to improve only ones already in place.

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