• Grammarly

    3 Additional Free Resources from Grammarly

    In addition to the powerful browser extension for editing, Grammarly also has three additional free resources that should be in your bookmarks, especially if you are a new writer look to develop your skills. To read about the actual Grammarly browser extension and features offered, check out my initial review. With that, here are the three additional resources: The Handbook. Use their simple guide to English basics whenever you’re in doubt of the basics. The guide covers grammar, punctuation, mechanics, technique, and style. The Grammar Check webpage. Perfect for the times you are not working on your own personal computer or cannot install Grammarly. Go to the webpage version and…

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  • Subbie

    Dear Diary, Day 04

    Wrote a blog post today….sort of. I wrote one paragraph, couldn’t figure out the spelling of a word, landed on a grammar site and signed up for a free course. Ugh. At least my grammar will be awesome. And yes, I did find the correct spelling of the word that started me off on this rabbit hole. I feel like I should go off to some beach house and stay for a week, alone; Just me and my laptop. And the internet, and books, and notebooks, and cake, and cookies. Or I could finish my blog post. The first option sounds less expensive and better for my waistline.   You’ve…

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